★Monday Forecast

★Monday Forecast

Leo Crescent Moon
—June 14

Today and tomorrow you may be feeling quite intensely, as some of the upheaval currently disrupting the status quo or illusioned securities you’ve previously counted on is stirring… and this could infuriate an otherwise empowering Leo moon kind of day.

Instead, these infuriations could illicit drama—the bad kind—and heatedly provoked tempers… influencing, however concurrently, exaggerations, dramatizations, and over-the-top needs to be heard and acknowledged—for better or worse.

Try to breathe in and out through your heart today… rather than thinking irrational thoughts through a monkey mind.

Today’s vibrations could reverberate the energies that were triggered back in February as well as introduce a potential toward what to be expected later on in December—either way, today could feel quite prickly, penetratingly so…

Or, rather precious, if you’re healing through your heart.

Don’t you wanna care, ain’t it lonely out there?
——Marvin Gaye

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