—Synthesis of October 29th-November 3rd

Visualize, if you would—

The deeper into the sea you dive the more difficult it is to move, or for your body to function in even the simplest capacities… breathing becomes an act of will rather than an automatic reflex.

Everything intensifies, every little thing experiences pressure. Even movement slows. Presence is quite confronting.

Not just anyone can attempt to dive deep, or for that matter, reflected more philosophically, spiritually, or really, quite matter-of-factly—not just anyone can attempt to dive deeply into themselves in such a confronting and honest manner.

The ego typically prevents it.

To dive deeply the ego is required to stand under the higher Self, to stand under the soul—to prepare its breath into the deepest unconsciousness… few egos are willing.

Few egos are audaciously fearless. 

The soul is fearless.

Are you up for it?—are you up for really knowing yourself?

The following points/mantras are taken from David R Hawkins MD, PhD from his book “Letting Go” (©2012; Hay House, Inc)…

With your energy manifesting through intention—

A thought is a “thing.” It has energy and form.

The mind with its thoughts and feelings controls the body; therefore, to heal the body, thoughts and feelings need to be changed.

What is held in mind tends to express itself through the body.

The body is not the real self; it is like a puppet controlled by the mind.

Beliefs that are unconscious can manifest as illness, even though there is no memory of the underlying beliefs.

An illness tends to result from suppressed and repressed negative emotions, plus a thought that gives it a specific form (i.e., consciously or unconsciously, one particular illness is chosen rather than another).

Thoughts are caused by suppressed and repressed feelings. When a feeling is let go, thousands or even millions of thoughts that were activated by that feeling disappear.

Although a specific belief can be cancelled and energy to it can be refused, it is generally a waste of time to try to change thinking itself.

We surrender a feeling by allowing it be there without condemning, judging, or resisting it. We simply look at it, observe it, and allow it to be felt without trying to modify it. With the willingness to relinquish a feeling, it will run out in due time.

A strong feeling may recur, which means there is more of it to be recognized and surrendered.

In order to surrender a feeling, sometimes it is necessary to start by relinquishing the feeling that is there about the particular emotion (e.g. guilt that “I shouldn’t have this feeling”).

In order to relinquish a feeling, sometimes it is necessary to acknowledge and let go of the underlying payoff of it (e.g., the “thrill” of anger and the “juice” of sympathy from being a help less victim).

Feelings are not the real self. Whereas feelings are programs that come and go, the real inner Self always stays the same; therefore, it is necessary to stop identifying transient feelings as yourself.

Ignore thoughts. They are merely endless rationalizations of inner feelings.

No matter what is going on in life, keep the steadfast intention to surrender negative feelings as they arise.

Make a decision that freedom is more desirable than having a negative feeling. Choose to surrender negative feelings rather than express them. Surrender resistance to and skepticism about positive feelings. Relinquish negative feelings but share positive ones.

Notice that letting go is accompanied by a subtle, overall lighter feeling within yourself. Relinquishing a desire does not mean that you won’t get what you want. It merely clears the way for it to happen.

Get it by “osmosis.” Put yourself in the aura of those who have what you want.

“Like goes to like.” Associate with people who are using the same or similar motivation and who have the intention to expand their consciousness and to heal.

Be aware that your inner state is known and transmitted. The people around you will intuit what you are feeling and thinking, even if you don’t verbalize it.

Persistence pays off. Some symptoms or illnesses may disappear promptly; others may take months or years if the condition is very chronic.

Let go of resisting the technique. Start the day with it. At the end of the day, take time out to relinquish any negative feelings left over from the day’s activities.

You are only subject to what you hold in mind. You are only subject to a negative thought or belief if you consciously or that it applies to you.❞

Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.
——Ann Lander

♀□♆cont’d; ♏︎☉□♄/☍♅; ☿∆♃³/›□♇³; ♂›□♄

Image credit— @tedslittledream on Instagram

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