Cancer/Leo Gibbous Moon
—March 13

Comparisons and similarities abound…

But what is your inner knowing telling you?

Thoughts and feelings are being measured—however emotionally, however irrationally, and being heavily weighted upon thereby and throughout—(though hopefully) through the subtleties of intuited discriminations and emboldened discernment.

Further, “the choices are confusing because they essentially lead to the same result… [and rather, it’s the] situation that is new.” 

Are you considering the issue from the best perspective?

And, how would you really know?—you’ve never been here before; you’ve never done this before…

As mentioned in a previous post—a testing of the will is emerging, in however psychically radicalized ways, both quite intimate and cerebral… perhaps once the moon moves into Leo* your feelings will develop a more scandalously strengthened conviction?—one by which you no longer feel compelled to defend so fiercely.

Though, finally, once the moon moves into Leo it will immediately begin applying an opposition to both Venus and Mars, still moving forward within a single arc minute of a degree of Aquarius, to be exact tomorrow… 

Whatever was once revered, secured in traditions, time honored, or obliged out of respect could become boldly unfamiliar, challenged, or otherwise rendered unnatural, inappropriate, ineffective or strange… 

Again, because you’ve never quite exactly been in precisely this place before…

It’s important, still, to not entirely cancel or forsake the past and its relics, or mantras, or monuments, or messages—but to learn from them in an effort to then finally apply a renewed moment… to bring light and life back into what was dark and dying, decaying, and dis-eased.

For you, absolutely… but also, toward a larger, collective effort.

The testing of your will is experiencing yet another hefty learning curve within this new normal… and seeing the bigger picture, at all times, will help you navigate the seemingly smaller twists and turns of it all. All small things, of course, are but a part of a larger thing, within yet another larger thing, and so on… and through opening to a larger consciousness beyond yourself—this will all become so much more clear.

Some of the ideals in alignment within these degrees are ‘confident embodiment of new styles in thought; making all unmistakeable statement; displaying talents; exuberance; seeing one’s own pivotal place in the broad sweep of history; appreciating and preserving the values of the past but taking the next evolutionary step; and harmonious progression…’

As uncomfortable or uneasy, frustrating, or deflated as today may be, or feel—do try to acknowledge the brilliance of the light shining in the places the cracks have allowed through breakage… do try to be in absolute awe of the unlimited potentiality of What Can Be, and even where it’s due and inarguably obvious within What Is.

We are all a part of this larger landscape…

This lunarly opposition, in Leo, asks you to ponder: what part are you playing within this larger landscape?—and what lesson, ultimately, does your role have in mind for you to learn?

Two things fill the mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more intensely the mind of thought is drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.❞
——Immanuel Kant

☽♌︎ by 12:32pm PDT; 1:32pm MDT; 2:32pm CDT; 3:32pm EDT

🖋️ by Jamie James ©2022; 📷 unknown

Goldsmith, M. “The Zodiac by Degrees.” Weiser Books; ©2004.
Hill, L. “360 Degrees of Wisdom.” A Plume Book; ©2004.

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