Gemini Balsamic Moon
—June 27

Where can you cut back?

In what ways can you trim around the edges without losing the essence?

How could you go about learning more toward simplifying your daily reality, routine, and environment in ways that could literally and metaphorically expand your horizons beyond your comprehension?

Today is a day to think about these things…

There is so much more to be found when we prune back the excess and the waste and all the frequencies of noise.

There is no true loss in authentic growth, only the natural process of letting go, outgrowing, pruning. The call of the next level requires it. Those who resist the connective opportunities that life brings to grow to their next level, never reach the mental maturity height to acquire it… even when they think they are on the path, their gap in understanding leaves them stuck where they left off, usually on a deadmilled-treadmill.❞
Tracey Bond

🖋️ by Jamie James; 📷 by f.greenleaf

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