Scorpio Disseminating Moon
—February 22

It is on this moon that shamanic astrologer Raven Kaldera suggests “we confront what we would do—and how far we would go—if we were in a situation of powerlessness and oppression…” and it is through the influences of this moon that “[our] attention turns to the outside world rather than [ourselves] and [our] own darknesses, and find that working directly with people does the most.”

Today we ‘rise to the occasion’…

Yesterday’s inward explorations and confrontations, today then, open you to more clearly recognize these reflections within and throughout, toward a more ultimate All That Is…

Today you may even “find yourself having a transformative realization that will take your focus away from your more basic animal instincts to a more spiritual level of perception… the way in which you respond to the environment can change considerably—life takes on a different purpose and new and more liberating ways of acting in the world become available.”

The energies abound when they moon moves through Scorpio more often than not introduce opportunities for healing, which typically involve the symbolisms of death and rebirth.

On this note, as I shared with you yesterday—Venus and Mars have moved forward a degree in Capricorn, a degree that associates itself with defeat… with ‘accepting defeat gracefully’.

This degree inspires the reminder that we must always be ‘prepared to start again’… 

Perhaps one of the ways you’ve been considering your plans or goals or ideals, or maybe an expectation you’ve been harboring, or an advancement or increase or resolution you’ve been hoping for—you may find that these concepts or expectations or idealizations are no longer useful to you, no longer benefiting you, or supporting your overall… and so now you must embrace a new perspective, a new vision, a new goal…

It could also be something of a dynamic toward unease—discovering or relearning that ease is magical, until it isn’t… that we need others, imperatively, particularly others who disagree, or see things slightly or extravagantly differently than ourselves in order to be our best. We thrive upon challenge. Not to the point of oppressive struggle, understand—but we need not truly struggle through moments of unease here and there, as there are truly worse circumstances, as stated; your perspective, here, is everything. Unease reminds us of our humanness, and our inner spark.

However… in an effort to curve back around to the original message at the beginning of this post—today’s opportunity to pivot will likely invite inner transformations, and these, should they be honestly experienced and genuinely processed, could further offer you reflected transformations beyond yourself.

But really—this defeat—astrologer Dane Rudhyar states “depends on the quality of the will and the inner integrity…”

The key phrase of today’s energies is ‘inner strength’… and ultimately, personal accountability—particularly toward one’s accountability of honesty with oneself… there’s no ease in sugar coating reality these days—be it our own version of it or the version of it we apply to the collective—we’re already far enough removed from reality as it really is as it is.

Further, I find it important to inform you, that ultimately—as Venus and Mars continue applying their conjunction into Aquarius—it may not be a defeat, so severely, but being prepared to start again in some fundamentally unexpected way(s) will be wise, particularly toward the contextual probabilities within the house this ingress occurs in within your own chart…


Remember—as your values strengthen, and harden, and your perspectives and openness to open-mindedness learn the value of flexibility—the obstacles you need (or, eventually, want) to navigate will become much more rich with depth and meaning, and purpose… and it’ll change everything.

The surrender of life is nothing to sinking down into acknowledgement of inferiority.❞
——John C Calhoun

🖋️ by Jamie James ©2022; 📷 by @itspeteski

Goldsmith, M. “The Zodiac by Degrees.” Weiser Books; ©2004.
Hill, L. “360 Degrees of Wisdom.” A Plume Book; ©2004.
Kaldera, R. “Moon Phase Astrology.” Destiny Books; ©2011.
Rudhyar, D. “An Astrological Mandala.” Vintage Books; ©1973.

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