Aquarius Balsamic Moon—February 18

Today may have you thinking somewhat idealistically about where you’re heading according to the choices you’re making…

Today may also have you comparing this to the direction or elevation you’d rather navigate—and consequentially, considering how your choices may need to shift, or morph, or change altogether.

Today may further have you pondering the frequency you’re emitting, and furthermore, whether you’re attracting what you want and repelling what you don’t… or unknowingly attracting what you don’t and inadvertently repelling what you do.

Today may have you holding a deeper interest in learning to speak in the resonance of the cosmos…

Today may have you looking more sharply upon your patterns and patterning, and looking more honestly within in an effort to tap into a deeper realm of inner knowing than you’ve ever ventured or trusted before…

Today may have you more enthusiastically reorganizing and micromanaging your own plans and dreams, motivations, and values.

Today may have you ‘coming to terms’ with your reality as it is… or opening yourself for more.

Today may have you breathing in the spirit… and mingling with the syzygy of your personal alignment to that of All That Is.

Today may have you quickening with inspiration…

As the Smashing Pumpkins encouraged, today may be the greatest day you’ve ever known.

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.❞

—Anthony Robbins

🖋 by Jamie James
📷 by dreamingincollages
🌐 moonmoodsdaily.com
📰 jamiejames.substack.com
💫 instabio.cc/jamiejames
🐦 twitter.com/moonmoodsdaily

🧿 If my translations resonate with you, consider subscribing to receive additional posts regarding all the planets in a complete spectrum for $8/month at jamiejames.substack.com, which will support both my time and my skills—I thank you in advance.

Goldsmith, M. ‘The Zodiac by Degrees.’ Weiser Books; ©2004.
Hill, L. ‘360 Degrees of Wisdom.’ A Plume Book; ©2004.
Kaldera, R. ‘Moon Phase Astrology.’ Destiny Books; ©2011.
Roche, D. ‘The Sabian Symbols.’ Astrology Classics; ©1998, 2010.
Rudhyar, D. ‘An Astrological Mandala.’ Vintage Books; ©1973.

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